To whom it may concern,
I hope this email finds you well.
It is with great pleasure that I share with you the ESJF
European Jewish Cemeteries Initiative's newly launched
EU-funded Hackathon and webinar series which will take place
on the 10th and 11th May 2023 - an opportunity which we think
will bring great value to your students.
During the event, participants will learn all about the
interesting intersection of heritage preservation and
technology through a hands-on challenge using UAV data. Guided by experts from the
ESJF, Germandrones and Pix4d, the event will include
webinars on the application of drones and UAV
photogrammetry as well as the opportunity to win a prize
(details will be disclosed during the event)!
More details and the preliminary programme can be found in
the invite attached.
We thank you in advance for distributing this opportunity,
Best regards,
Sophie Pownall
Assistant Project Manager