Lieber Fachrat Informatik,
für unser vollfinanziertes MBA-Programm können sich auch diesen Herbst wieder Top-Absolvent*innen der besten Technischen Universitäten bewerben.
Gerne möchten wir Sie daher herzlich zu unseren Herbst-Veranstaltungen einladen sowie Ihnen Informationen rund um das MBA-Programm am CDI zukommen lassen. Wir würden uns sehr freuen, wenn Sie die untenstehenden Informationen an interessierte Studierende weitergeben. Die nächste Bewerbungsfrist für unser MBA-Programm ist der 30. September 2023.
Gerne lasse ich Ihnen auch weiteres Material sowie Unterlagen zur Weitergabe zukommen, wenn Sie das möchten.
Bei Rückfragen können Sie sich gerne bei mir melden.
Viele Grüße Carolin Huber ___
Dear Student,
We are excited to introduce you to an exceptional opportunity that will impact both – your career and personal development journey.
The MBA at CDI: Learning through Action
Combining your strong technical background with management skills will open fascinating career opportunities. With business boot camps in Paris, Munich, and Turin (you travel to all three sites and work in small international groups), individual career coaching, and due to our close links to leading technology companies in Europe, we give you the opportunity to discover new fields and gain new insights into innovation, digitalization, and sustainability early in your career.
A Unique Network – Meet our Fellows and the CDI Team!
At CDI, you will find yourself surrounded by an inspiring community: The ten months spent at the CDI are ten months in a thriving network of a like-minded peer group of top European engineering and science graduates, renowned professors, challenging managers, and inspirational entrepreneurs. Our network isn't just a part of the experience – it is a cornerstone.
Join our info and networking events, meet our Fellows and learn more about the MBA at CDI.
Upcoming events
• Meet us online: CDI Open Door Day
• Meet us in Munich: Networking @ CDI Munich
• Further opportunities to meet us If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to hearing from you! Best regards, Carolin Huber
Good to know: Admission to the CDI is merit-based. The programme is tuition-free, and all participants receive financial support (currently €11,000 gross for ten months) to cover their cost of living. Prior experience in business is not required. The programme starts right after your M.Sc. or PhD.
Collège des Ingénieurs Möhlstraße 6 | 81675 München | Germany T: +49 89 600 399 06 M: +49 151 67 80 05 20 Website: www.cdi.eu